Message: The Substitutionary Death of Jesus from Isaiah 53:6-12
Here is a recent message from a series called Foundations of the Cross. In it,
we look at the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ from
Message: Jesus, The Suffering Servant, The Arm of the Lord from Isaiah 53:1-3
This is the second message in a recent series called Foundations of the Cross. This message looks at Jesus Christ, the Arm of the Lord. It
Message: God's Servant Jesus from Isaiah 52:13-15
Here is a recent message from a series called Foundations of the Cross. A message series that starts in Isaiah 52 and looks at what Christ
Five Political Agendas Of The Last Days
Many are looking at the world and wondering what is happening? From climate change to COVID-19, there are many crisis areas, impacting...
All Things Shaken (message outline)
We are seeing a shifting upon the earth that is going to shake the foundations of everything we trust in. We need a strong foundation.
Protection From Deception - Do Not Be Deceived (message outline)
First thing Jesus does is cautions them and says to beware of deception. There would come many who are out to deceive.